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Marketplace 360 SCM Operations: Streamlining Supply Chains

By Ashutosh Kumar
Discover a 360-degree approach to maximising SCM Operations efficiency, streamlining every aspect of your supply chain for ultimate success.

When running a business, the most critical operation is producing a particular product smoothly from start to finish. This is where Supply Chain Management (SCM) comes in. It's the department that ensures every operation on the production line is running on time. But what is the best way to run the SCM?

It is the 360-degree approach to SCM. This method checks every step of a product's journey to ensure efficiency. It moves the product quickly and safely through the supply chain. This approach eliminates the risk of delays and underproduction.

Read this article to understand what makes supply chains better.  Learn more about the strategies, tech, trends, and elements of SCM.

Understanding 360 SCM Operations in the Digital Marketplace

The 360-degree approach to supply chain management (SCM) means examining every single step. Right from when a product is an idea until it reaches the customer's hands. This method connects all parts of the chain. These include buying materials, making products, storing them, and sending them out. 

In the digital and e-commerce world, customers expect fast product delivery without hiccups. The 360-degree approach is built to provide that. It makes sure every part of the supply chain is in sync with each other. If there's a delay somewhere, different parts can speed up to compensate for lost time.

Key Features of SCM

Visibility: Imagine SCM as a tracking app for your orders. SCM lets managers watch every step that a product takes to be produced. Just like you can follow a pizza delivery on your phone. This makes the business always prepared for any changes or delays that might come up.

Flexibility: In an ever-changing world, SCM can be the perfect plan B for businesses. It provides the stakeholders with an alternate production method when the usual method faces issues. This flexibility keeps the business running smoothly and helps it adapt at a faster pace.

Integration: SCM brings every step of the product journey together, working as one. It works as a well-coordinated team, where every member is in sync, ensuring the process is completed without any hindrances.

Benefits of Supply Chain Management

Faster Delivery: Owing to a well-coordinated production process, the SCM enables more rapid delivery of products.

Saving Money: SCM helps businesses find the most optimised way to move products. This speeds up the process and helps cut costs.

Satisfied Customers: When the ordered products arrive on time and as expected, the customers feel valued and satisfied. These advantages of supply chain management help businesses grow the right way.

Elements of Supply Chain Management

Planning: This step involves deciding which products to offer and the best time. It requires understanding market demand and preparing the inventory as per that.

Procurement of Supplies: This is about sourcing the necessary materials for production. It focuses on finding quality suppliers and negotiating terms to ensure a steady supply at good prices.

Production: Here, the procured materials are transformed into the final products. This process must be efficient and meet quality standards to satisfy customer expectations.

Delivery: This involves getting the finished product to the customer swiftly and securely. It's crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and trust.

Managing Returns: Handling returns with effectiveness is essential for customer service. It involves processing returned items at a fast pace to maintain customer loyalty.

Implementing a 360 SCM Approach to Optimise Digital Marketplace Operations

Embracing the key principles of SCM through a 360-degree approach benefits businesses in digital marketplaces by enhancing their sales. These fundamental principles ensure that every stage of a product's journey, from inception to delivery, is optimised. This optimisation streamlines operations and increases customer satisfaction.

Let’s look into the strategies, technologies, and trends that make the 360 supply chain approach more efficient and reliable.

360 SCM Strategies for Optimisation

Comprehensive Integration: This means making every part of the supply chain work together. Everything is connected, from buying materials and making products to sending them out and handling returns. This lets businesses see and control the whole process better.

Agile and Flexible Supply Chains: Markets change fast. Supply chains need to adjust to these changes at the same pace. Collaborative team approaches like Lean and Six Sigma help simplify processes and eliminate waste. This prepares the supply chain to handle hindrances and ensure things move smoothly.

Customer-Centric Approaches: Keeping customers happy is key. This means making supply chain plans that meet customer's expectations. It's about knowing their needs, making products they like, and delivering on time. Focusing on customers helps make them loyal and keeps them coming back.

Technologies Driving Seamless SCM Operations

AI and Machine Learning (AI/ML): These technologies analyse past sales and trends to forecast customer demand. This smart approach ensures businesses keep the ideal amount of inventory on hand.

Blockchain Technology: Blockchain provides a secure and transparent way to record supply chain transactions. It enhances trust and visibility, allowing everyone involved to verify transactions.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT connects devices across all supply chain stages, from warehouses to transport. This network allows businesses to monitor goods in real-time, addressing inefficiencies.

Cloud Computing: Cloud services offer flexible computing and storage over the internet. This setup simplifies data management, enabling businesses to access, share, and analyse information.

Emerging Trends in SCM

Sustainability and Ethical Practices: With the help of SCM trends, businesses are turning green, reducing carbon footprints, and cutting waste. This is not just good for the planet but also aligns with the changing customers' expectations.

Customisation and On-Demand Production: The 360 SCM approach eliminates the one-size-fits-all approach. Emerging trends ensure we make what the customer wants when they want it. This shift towards mass customisation and on-demand production helps businesses tailor every product to fit each customer's life.

Digital Marketplaces and E-Commerce Growth: The boom in e-commerce demands supply chains to be faster and more reliable than ever. It's about delivering yesterday's orders today. This trend pushes for innovations that ensure a delightful shopping experience from click to delivery.

Implementing the Approach: A Blueprint

To embark on this transformative journey, businesses should start with strategic planning that aligns with their marketplace goals. Invest in the right technologies that offer scalability, efficiency, and resilience.

Businesses should remember that adopting a 360 SCM approach is a continuous improvement cycle. It's about making small changes for big impacts, ensuring your marketplace remains competitive, and your customers stay satisfied. Businesses should remember this from the beginning to the conclusion of supply chain management.

Wrapping Up

A 360-degree approach to managing supply chains brings in smart technology. It optimises the process using AI (Artificial Intelligence), blockchain, and IoT (Internet of Things). This helps make supply chains clearer, more connected, and better organised.

For businesses looking to efficiently handle these complex processes and engage in the evaluation of supply chain management, GrowthJockey is here to help.

We dive deep into the unique challenges that each brand faces. Then, we craft plans based on the key principles of supply chain management that fit just right for them. We aim to transform the supply chain into a strong point for your business, not just an added cost.


1. How does a 360-degree SCM approach differ from traditional SCM?

A 360-degree SCM approach views the supply chain as a whole system, unlike traditional SCM, which might focus on separate parts. It brings every step, from getting supplies to delivering products, under one strategy. This method uses teamwork, new tech, and clear views of the entire process.

2. Can small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) implement a 360-degree SCM approach effectively?

Yes, small and medium businesses can use a 360-degree SCM approach. Today's tech, like cloud services and SaaS, makes this easier and cheaper. SMEs can use these tools to improve their supply chains, save money, and compete better in their markets.

3. What initial steps should a business take to transition towards a 360-degree SCM approach?

The first step involves a detailed review of your current supply chain activities. This helps spot any issues, delays, or parts that could be better. Next, companies should look at where a 360 method could improve things. This involves bringing all the supply chain information together in one place and using new technology to make the process clear and adaptable.

4. How does customer feedback play into the 360-degree SCM approach?

In a 360-degree SCM approach, customer feedback is crucial. It helps make the supply chain more responsive and flexible. By adding customer insights into SCM plans, companies can match their operations with customers' expectations. This makes customers happier and more loyal. Feedback also spots new market needs, possible supply chain issues, and chances for new ideas.

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3rd Floor, GJPL, Time Square Building, Sushant Lok, Gurugram, 120009
Ward No. 06, Prevejabad, Sonpur Nitar Chand Wari, Sonpur, Saran, Bihar, 841101
Shreeji Tower, 3rd Floor, Guwahati, Assam, 781005
25/23, Karpaga Vinayagar Kovil St, Kandhanchanvadi Perungudi, Kancheepuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600096
19 Graham Street, Irvine, CA - 92617, US